Volunteer event list

Learn more about joining the WDFW Volunteer Education and Outreach Team

Other conservation volunteer opportunities

Learn more about joining an advisory group or committee

2025 Trailhead Ambassador Program 

  • Methow Valley Trails Collaborative: Lewis Butte Trailhead and Pipestone Valley Trailhead, Methow Wildlife Area. Programming: April-June. Volunteer Recruitment: February-March, but ongoing throughout program months. Contact: allenj@trailscollaborative.org.
  • Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust: Manastash Ridge Trailhead, Wenas Wildlife Area. Programming: May-July. Volunteer Recruitment: March-April, and ongoing throughout program months. Joe Watt Trailhead, LT Murray Wildlife Area. Program months: May-June, Sept-Oct. Volunteer Recruitment: March-April, August, but ongoing throughout program months. Contact:  August.spires@mtsgreenway.org.
  • Washington Trails Association: Quincy Lakes Trailhead, Columbia Basin Wildlife Area.  Programming dates: 4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 5/3, 5/10, 5/24, 5/3, 6/14, 6/21. Volunteer Recruitment: February-March, and ongoing throughout program months. Contact: allie@wta.org

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Audible Bats Project

Woodland Park Zoo Community Science

Woodland Park Zoo Volunteer Program 

Washington Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Conservation Northwest

Friends of Issaquah Hatchery

Spokane River Sediment Study

Volunteer for the environment on the Olympic Peninsula.

WSU Beach Watchers (Snohomish County)

Molt Search - WSU Extension and Washington Sea Grant community science program to detect invasive European green crabs  

Vancouver Wildlife League

If you are interested in volunteering for bird/wildlife rescue or rehabilitation during an oil spill response, please register through the Washington Department of Ecology’s website.