Fishing & Shellfishing

Some of the best fishing opportunities in the nation are available in Washington. From fly-fishing for bass and trout on freshwater lakes and streams east of the Cascades to trolling for salmon along the coast to crabbing in Puget Sound, Washington offers a diverse and unique outdoors experience. Find the experience that's right for you, whether you're a long-time angler or a first-time fisher.

Wild steelhead held in glacial water on the Olympic Peninsula before being released.
Photo by Chase Gunnell

Fishing news & important dates

Sunrise photo of people fishing on the beach.
Photo by Blue Haught
The Salmon Fishing Current blog: North of Falcon 2025 edition

Stay informed throughout the salmon season-setting process. Follow The Salmon Fishing Current blog for the latest updates on forecasts, meetings, and in-season changes. WDFW seeks public input on ocean salmon fishery proposals, and the next North of Falcon hybrid meeting is March 25.

Columbia River smelt
Photo by WDFW
WDFW approves two additional smelt dips for Cowlitz River

Fishery managers approved two additional recreational smelt dips for the Cowlitz River. Dip-netting will be open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19, and Saturday, March 22, with the previously approved Saturday, March 15 fishery open during the same hours.

Conservation starts here

One gloved hand holds a Dungeness crab while the other holds a crab caliper.
Photo by WDFW
Test fishing guides Washington’s coastal commercial crab season

The state’s coastal commercial Dungeness crab season is underway, following months of test fishing and data gathering by WDFW.

A person wearing a PFD stands on a truck backed up to a lake to release fish.
Photo by WDFW
Anglers can head to coastal and southwest Washington lakes for hatchery steelhead fishing

With coastal steelhead rivers closing in March, anglers have additional opportunities to catch these prized game fish in several lakes throughout coastal and southwestern Washington.

Four people on a dock holding three caught halibut.
Photo by David Bergeron
Halibut fishing starts April 3 in some Puget Sound marine areas and May 1 in coastal marine areas

Fishery managers remind anglers that a descending device must be on board vessels and rigged for immediate use when fishing for or possessing bottomfish and halibut

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