WDFW and tribal wildlife management

Since tribal and non-tribal hunters impact the wildlife resources over much of the state, it is important that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and tribal nations work cooperatively, on a government-to-government basis, to develop management strategies that can meet the needs of both. This process is complicated because tribal ceremonial and subsistence hunting and state recreational hunting are two different philosophies steeped in different traditions and cultural heritages.

How tribes and WDFW work together

Many tribal governments take an active role in the management of wildlife resources. Most tribes with off-reservation hunting rights have a tribal hunting committee that meets to develop regulations and management strategies. Many tribes have hired biologists, or have access to biological staff members, who can advise them on the development of management approaches. Tribal nations have taken the lead in several areas on research projects to gather the information that is needed to better manage wildlife resources. WDFW and various tribes have worked together to develop herd plans for key wildlife populations. WDFW has also worked cooperatively with tribes to rebuild or augment populations that are below desired levels.

WDFW staff members from Wildlife and Enforcement programs meet with tribal representatives to discuss wildlife and hunting management issues. The discussions stem from a 1998 Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission policy directing the department to negotiate with tribal nations to resolve hunting issues. Hunting cooperative management is also a stated objective within the Department's Game Management Plans and the area-specific elk herd management plans, all developed with extensive public-involvement.

Cooperative agreements

WDFW and some tribal nations have entered into cooperative management agreements and Memorandums of Agreement/Understanding to foster and maintain a good working relationship. For wildlife management, WDFW has entered into the following hunting cooperative agreements: