All hunters in Washington, regardless of age, must have in their possession a valid hunting license and any required tags, permits, or stamps to hunt wildlife. Youth -- defined as anyone under 16 years of age at the time of license purchase -- are eligible for reduced license fees.
License requirements
There is no minimum or maximum age to be eligible to hunt in Washington, but anyone purchasing a license who was born after Jan. 1, 1972 must show proof that they have completed a hunter education class. A one-time deferral option is available. Members of the Washington National or State Guard may be eligible for a free annual licensing package that includes a big game license and a small game license with a migratory bird permit.
You are required to show a license, tag or permit, or display wildlife taken when asked by a WDFW officer or other enforcement officer. Any hunter may be directed to stop at WDFW check stations and produce wildlife in their possession. You are required to comply with the directions of WDFW personnel related to the collection of sampling data or material from wildlife.
Buying a license
If you're ready to buy a license, you can visit our online licensing system, contact us by phone at 360-902-2464, or visit any of the more than 600 license dealers around the state. When buying online or by phone, it may take seven to 10 days before receiving your license in the mail.
Federal and state law require everyone 15 and older to provide their social security number before purchasing a license, whether buying in person, online, or by phone. Prospective hunters born after Jan. 1, 1972 must also show proof of hunter education training.
Big game hunting licenses
See all available big game hunting license types and fees.
Small game hunting licenses
See all available big game and migratory waterfowl hunting license types and fees.
Special hunt permits and raffles
These special permits, auctions and raffles directly support conservation and management.
Field trial permit
A field trial permit is required for certain activities in which participants are in competition with one another based on a dog’s performance.
Hunt contest permit
A permit may be required for an organized hunt contest activity, not including field trials, in which participants are in competition with one another.
Free National and State Guard hunting licenses
Members of the Washington National or State Guard may be eligible for a free annual licensing package.
Special trapping permit for a nuisance wildlife problem
Guidelines for completing a Special Trapping Permit application to use body-gripping traps for a nuisance wildlife problem.
Falconry in Washington
Learn about the rules and requirements for becoming a falconer in Washington state.