Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi) in the Green Cove Creek Watershed, Thurston County, Washington: Distribution and Recommendations for Protection


Published: December 2009

Publication number: FPT 08-03

Author(s): Molly Hallock (WDFW) and Jamie Glasgow (Wild Fish Conservancy)


Green Cove Creek, Thurston County, Washington is home to a Washington State sensitive species, the Olympic mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi). In response to the threat posed to mudminnow habitat by rapid urban development within the Green Cove watershed, we initiated a systematic basin-wide survey to describe mudminnow distribution and habitat usage. Fish presence was ascertained using baited minnow traps, dipnets, and on rare occasion an electrofisher. Olympic mudminnows were documented at 23 of the 31 sample sites throughout the drainage, including headwater ditches and ponds, wetlands, and lower stream reaches. In addition to describing observed and potential mudminnow distribution throughout the watershed, we present management recommendations to protect Olympic mudminnow habitat from further degradation.