Davis Creek Mentored Pheasant Hunt

8 a.m. - 3 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024
In person, hybrid, virtual
Wheelchair accessible
On public transit route

Pre-registration is required for this event.

About the Event

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is partnering with Pheasants Forever to bring new hunters into the field. Five youth and five adult hunters will be paired up to hunt with experienced mentors and taught hunting safety, ethics, and field care on Nov. 2, 2024, at the Davis Creek Wildlife Area near Oakville. Participants will be required to purchase the Western Washington Pheasant Permit. Non-toxic shot and hunter orange/pink will be required. Hunters are asked to bring their own firearm (12 or 20 ga recommended). Lunch will be provided.

About the Location

From Oakville, take State Street and continue on to South Bank Road for approximately 3.25 miles. The Davis Creek Wildlife Area will be on the right. Take the entrance road to the parking area near the information sign.

Cancellation Policies

You must cancel your registration before 8 a.m. Friday, Nov. 1, 2024.

Youth pheasant hunting
Photo by Andrew Noles

Notice of Photography and/or Videography. When you attend this event, you enter an area where photography and/or videography (which includes audio recording) may occur. By entering the event premises, you consent to such photography and/or videography and their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. If you prefer not to have your photo and/or video taken, please inform WDFW staff immediately upon arrival. Staff will provide a sticker or tape for you to wear. You must wear the sticker/tape at all times. WDFW will make an effort to edit or remove any photos and/or video of you in which the sticker/tape is present. Any photos and/or videos posted in error will be immediately edited or removed upon request.

Due to the nature of audio recording that is a necessary part of videography, WDFW cannot warrant that outside/ambient audio from other individuals won’t be captured and released as part of said videography. All parties attending such an event consent to WDFW using such outside/ambient audio recording as part of any videography process.