Public Records Requests

You may make a public records request to the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) by using one of the following options: 

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
WDFW Public Records Officer 
PO Box 43200 MS# 43140
Olympia, WA 98504-3200

In your request, please identify and describe in detail the records you are requesting. Please include the subject matter, date range and types of records requested, when possible. 

RCW 42.56.070(8) prohibits the release of lists of individuals for commercial purposes. If you are requesting a list of individuals, you must complete the WDFW Public Records Request form and sign the declaration of non-commercial purpose. The request will be reviewed for compliance. 


Agencies may charge fees to recover costs of making and providing copies of records when fulling requests (RCW 42.56.120). Waiver of fees is at the discretion of the Public Records Officer.


You will receive a response within five business days. We will respond in one of several ways:

  • Provide the records.
  • Request clarification.
  • If the documents are not readily available, we will provide a reasonable estimate of time it will take us to produce the records.
  • For some large requests, we may have to produce the records on a partial or installment basis. We will also provide the estimated timeframes for each incremental delivery as we work through your request.
  • When legal exemptions apply, we may deny the request in whole or in part, either by withholding the requested records or redacting the documents, including an explanation of the denial.
  • Commonly used exemptions (PDF)

For more general information about Public Records Requests: