Have you caught a fish that you think might surpass a current state record?

Here's how to verify your catch:
- Only fishes classified as food fish (WAC 220-300-370) and game fish (WAC 220-300-380) may be submitted as a potential sport fish record.
- First and foremost, DO NOT FREEZE your fish.
- The most important step is to get the fish weighed as soon as possible on a certified scale.
- Obtain the signatures of the scale operator and one other witness to the weighing.
- Next, take the fish to a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife office for verification. To ensure that there is someone available to verify the fish, please call to make an appointment.
- Download the sportfish record application (PDF).
See a map and list of area and district fish biologists (PDF) who can complete the verification for freshwater fishes.
To complete the verification for marine fishes, contact the main office, Region 4 office, or Region 6 office.
You can also pick an application package up in person from a WDFW regional office near you.
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