The links below take you to information on some of the basics of salmon fishing for the beginning angler. This is only a starting point, and is not meant to cover every aspect of salmon fishing. After getting your feet wet, a good angler will constantly search for additional information to improve their abilities and skills.
To find current and upcoming salmon seasons near you, visit WDFW's Weekender report, which provides a regional breakdown of fishing and hunting opportunities for the month.
Learn to distinguish Pacific salmon species in their marine phases by reviewing this identification chart (PDF).
Marine areas
The most popular boat fishing methods can be lumped into two general categories, drift fishing and trolling.
Freshwater salmon fishing can be done from the shore or a boat, and many of the methods can be used either way.
Estuaries and tidewater
Tidewater (or estuary) fisheries offer small boat owners access to ocean bright fish, often in high densities.