A net pen collapse in Puget Sound in August 2017 led to the escape of tens of thousands of Atlantic salmon into Washington waters. WDFW enlisted the help of anglers to catch and report these fish. The map on this page reflects approximate locations where anglers reported catching one or more Atlantic salmon.
Marine Areas: Anglers may only fish for Atlantic salmon in marine waters that are already open to fishing for Pacific salmon. Anglers also must stop fishing for Atlantic salmon once they've caught their daily limit of Pacific salmon. There is no size or catch limit on Atlantic salmon.
Freshwater Areas: Anglers may also fish for Atlantic salmon in freshwater areas open to fishing for trout and Pacific salmon. Anglers should check the Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for information on rivers that are open to salmon or trout fishing. Anglers also must stop fishing for Atlantic salmon once they've caught their daily limit of trout or Pacific salmon. There is no size or catch limit on Atlantic salmon.
Reported Catch Total: 1967