Per WAC 220-416-080 it is unlawful to hunt migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe within the following regulated access areas managed by the department, except under the following restrictions:
Dungeness RAA
North Olympic Wildlife Area - Dungeness Unit
- Allowed in hunting zones or sites designated by the department.
- Open only on select days of the week designated by the department during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.
Elk River RAA
Johns River Wildlife Area - Elk River Unit, south of State Route 105
- Open every day during approved September Canada goose season dates in Goose Management Area 2 - Coast.
- Open only on Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.
Frenchman RAA
Columbia Basin Wildlife Area - Desert Unit, southwest of Moses Lake at T17, R27E Sections 8 and 9
- Open every day during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.
- All visitors using the area must register and park in the parking lot and parking sites designated by the department.
- All vehicles are not allowed into the parking lot before 4:00 a.m.
Lynch Cove and Union River RAA
Mason County, within the SW 1/4 of Section 29, Section 31 (excluding the SW 1/4), and the W 1/2 of Section 32 in T23N, R1W.W.M.; in areas south of State Route 300 and NE North Shore Road, and areas north of State Routes 3 and 106
- Allowed in hunting zones or sites designated by the department.
- Open every day during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.

Mesa Lake RAA
Sunnyside-Snake River Wildlife Area - Mesa Lake Unit
- Open every day during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.
- All visitors using the area must register and park in parking lots (Lanford and Sheffield Roads) and parking sites designated by the department during approved season dates.
North Potholes RAA
Columbia Basin Wildlife Area - Potholes Unit, west of Moses Lake at T19, R27, S33 and S34
- Open every day during migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.
- All visitors using the area must register and park in the parking lot and parking sites designated by the department.
- All vehicles are not allowed in the parking lot before 4:00 a.m.
Samish River RAA
Skagit Wildlife Area - Samish River Unit
- Allowed in hunting zones or sites designated by the department.
- Open every day during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.
- All visitors using the area must first register and park in the parking sites designated by the department, in order to access the designated hunting zone.
Hunting access on this RAA is managed by Register to Hunt access of the following site names:
- Edison East (Skagit)
- Edison West (Skagit)
South Padilla Bay RAA
Skagit Wildlife Area - South Padilla Bay Unit
- Allowed in hunting zones or sites designated by the department.
- Open every day during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.
- All visitors using the area must first register and park in the parking sites designated by the department.
Hunting access on this RAA is managed by Register to Hunt access of the following site names:
- Bayview 1 (Skagit)
Winchester RAA
Columbia Basin Wildlife Area - Desert Unit, west of Moses Lake at T18N, R25E Section 13, and T18N, R26E Section 18
- Open only on Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates, and all approved goose hunting dates in Goose Management Area 4 (closed to all access during nonhunt days).
- All visitors using the area must register and park in the parking lot and parking sites designated by the department.
- All vehicles are not allowed in the parking lot before 4:00 a.m.
Windmill Ranch RAA
Sunnyside-Snake River Wildlife Area - Windmill Ranch Unit
- Open every day during approved migratory waterfowl, coot, and snipe season dates.
- All visitors using the area must register and park in parking lots (Marion or Colonial Roads) and parking sites designated by the department during approved season dates.