Bowhunter education

Hunter holding a bow kneeling next to a harvested deer in the snow
Photo by Melissa Yeisley
Melissa Yeisley with her first archery deer.​​​​​

Bowhunter education is not required in Washington, but is recommended. This certification is required in some states and Canadian provinces to hunt with archery equipment. 

Bowhunter education classes follow the National Bowhunter Education Foundation teaching criteria and are taught by certified volunteer Bowhunter education instructors.

Our program stresses ethical hunter behavior and works in partnership with WDFW.

Please Note: Bowhunter education classes do not meet the Washington training requirement to purchase a hunting license for first-time hunters born after Jan. 1, 1972.

Currently the Washington Bowhunter Education Program (WBEP) is offering limited bowhunter education courses. However, you can take the South Dakota's online course and receive the same certification.

Washington will continue to hold classes in the future.

To receive a duplicate certificate, contact Kris Thorson at For more information email

2025 In-person Classes

King County

Class dates: April 12 and 13, 9:00AM – 3:00PM each day
Location: Issaquah Sportsmen's Club, 23605 S.E. Evans St. Issaquah WA 98027
Contact name: Alan Jones
Contact phone: 425-681-6754
Contact email:
Specific instructions: Preregistration is required to reserve.  No Fee for Class.

Class dates: May 13 and 15, 6:00PM – 9:30PM and field day on May 17, 8:00AM - Noon
Location: Flint Tip Archery Club / Enumclaw Sportsman’s Park, 29150 Enumclaw Chinook Pass RD, Enumclaw, WA 98022
Contact name: Butch Loney
Contact phone: 253-350-2539
Specific instructionsPre-registration is required to reserve.  Minimum of five students Must be pre-registered by Saturday prior to class or the class will default to a field day portion of the online class from 7:30AM to noon on Saturday. Online students are invited to the May 17 field day but must be at class starting at 7:30AM.

Class dates: July 22 and 24, 6:00PM – 9:30PM and field day on July 26, 8:00AM - Noon
Location: Flint Tip Archery Club / Enumclaw Sportsman’s Park, 29150 Enumclaw Chinook Pass RD, Enumclaw, WA 98022
Contact name: Butch Loney
Contact phone: 253-350-2539
Specific instructionsPre-registration is required to reserve.  Minimum of five students Must be pre-registered by Saturday prior to class or the class will default to a field day portion of the online class from 7:30AM to noon on Saturday. Online students are invited to the July 26 field day but must be at class starting at 7:30AM.

Class dates: October 11 and 12, 9:00AM – 3:00PM each day
Location: Issaquah Sportsmen's Club,23605 S.E. Evans St. Issaquah WA 98027
Contact name: Alan Jones
Contact phone: 425-681-6754
Contact email:
Specific instructions: Preregistration is required to reserve.  No Fee for Class.