Deer and elk Multi-season tags

Young hunter wearing hunter orange jacket and binoculars sitting next to harvested white tailed deer.
Photo by Jeff Aschenbrenner

Make the next hunting season your most successful yet by expanding your hunting opportunities with a Multi-season tag.

Benefits of Multi-season tag

  • Hunt all three weapon choices (modern rifle, muzzleloader, archery), season permitting, until the tag is filled
  • Hunt elk on both sides of Washington state
  • Increase your success rate in harvesting deer or elk

Special Hunts

Multi-season tag holders can apply for special hunts for all three weapon types. Elk Multi-season tag holders are eligible to apply for special hunts on both sides of Washington state.

How to get a Multi-Season Tag

  1. Purchase a 2025 Multi-season application for deer and/or elk online or from an authorized license dealer: December 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025.
    - Residents: $7.10
    - Non-Residents: $110.50
    - Youth: $3.80
  2. Drawing results will be available online in April.
  3. If your name was drawn, you can purchase your Deer or Elk Multi-season tag.
    - Deer Tag: $139.10
    - Elk Tag: $182

The tag costs listed above are for both resident and non-resident Multi-season tags.