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News release July 25, 2019
Richard Kessler, WDFW Whatcom Area Wildlife Manager (360) 739-3404
Sam Montgomery, WDFW Communications Manager (360) 688-0721
BP, Rebecca Hardie, BP Environmental Engineer (360) 526-3384
OLYMPIA – This May, BP started construction on a new wildlife enhancement project on their land adjacent to the BP refinery in Whatcom County.
Rebecca Hardie, the project’s Environmental Engineer shared, “BP is pleased to enhance this wildlife area and provide an environmental benefit to Whatcom County and its residents.”
This large-scale project includes seven new shallow ponds and adjacent riparian habitat improvements on the land north of the refinery along Grandview Road and west of Blaine Road.
BP allows public access, including pheasant release and waterfowl hunting, on the 830 acre parcel of land. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife manages the hunting recreation on this property as the BP Unit of the Whatcom Wildlife Area.
“This is a great project to enhance a local gem in Whatcom County,” said Richard Kessler, Whatcom Area wildlife manager. “We applaud BP for enhancing this wildlife area and look forward to more high-quality wildlife habitat in our county.”
Due to the new wildlife habitat project, public access to much of the area west of Blaine Road will be closed for one year. The reason for this closure is to allow the newly planted vegetation and wetland habitat improvements to mature and establish. The two large ponds just north of Grandview and west of Blaine Road remain open for waterfowl hunting and other public recreation.
All the land east of Blaine Road to the railroad tracks remains open for public recreation, including pheasant release hunting and waterfowl hunting.
“We do ask that outdoor recreationists and hunters please respect the closed area signs during and after the construction,” said Kessler. “We’re excited to reopen the area to public access next year.”
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is the state agency tasked with preserving, protecting and perpetuating fish, wildlife and ecosystems, while providing sustainable fishing, hunting, and other recreation opportunities.