WDFW closes public access to portions of Skagit Wildlife Area Headquarters Unit

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News release Oct. 6, 2015

Belinda Rotton, (360) 445-4441

OLYMPIA - Public access will be disrupted weekdays through mid-December at the Skagit Wildlife Area Headquarters on Fir Island.

Contractors for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will begin work Monday, Oct. 12, to repair the tide gate and culvert structure along Wiley Slough. The trail along the dike and the small boat launch for the marsh area will be closed weekdays through Dec. 18. Those areas will be open Saturdays and Sundays.

“We recognize this is an inconvenience for visitors, but it’s necessary to ensure public safety during construction,” said Belinda Rotton, wildlife area manager for WDFW.

Rotton noted that the boat launch to Freshwater Slough will remain open daily through construction.

Construction crews will dismantle and rebuild the tide gate and culvert structure. The repairs are designed to address concerns about effective tide gate drainage and failing culverts.

The Headquarters Unit is a popular spot for waterfowl hunting, fishing, bird-watching and walking. The 190-acre headquarters estuary is part of WDFW’s 16,700-acre Skagit Wildlife Area, located on the south end of Fir Island.

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