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News release Jan. 22, 2020
Commission office, 360-902-2267
OLYMPIA – The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission made decisions on rules to reduce humpback whale entanglements and a land transaction at their Jan. 17-18 meeting in Olympia.
The commission also heard updates on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's (WDFW) partnership with Puget Sound Partnership, protections for fish during construction, salmon management in Willapa Bay and Puget Sound. The commission also discussed suspending a joint-state committee working on Columbia River policy issues for the near term.
On Friday, the commission approved a 92-acre land acquisition for WDFW in Yakima County. The property borders the Oak Creek Wildlife Area approximately 10 miles west of Naches. The new addition will improve public access for hunting and wildlife viewing.
The commission also approved new rules for the 2020 Dungeness crab season to reduce the potential for humpback whale entanglements on Washington's coast. Rule changes include requiring only the amount of line reasonably necessary, reducing the pot limit and requiring a summer buoy tag, replacing buoy tags, and requiring line marking specific to Washington.
WDFW habitat managers briefed the commission on rulemaking to implement House Bill 1579 concerning hydraulic project regulations. These rules are intended to help people comply with rules that protect fish during construction projects in or near water. The habitat program will bring forward a final recommendation at the commission's February conference call.
In addition, the commission was provided an update on the Joint-State Columbia River Fishery Policy Review Committee, which includes members of the Oregon and Washington fish and wildlife commissions and works to find common ground in jointly managed fisheries. After discussion between the Oregon and Washington committee chairs, the commission discussed suspending its joint-state committee meetings for the near term. The directors and staff of WDFW and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will continue to work on developing concurrent guidelines for the Columbia River in 2020.
On Saturday, the commission heard from WDFW staff on Willapa Bay salmon management, as well as the Puget Sound Chinook Resource Management Plan, designed to help guide fishery management in Puget Sound. WDFW and tribal co-managers expect to submit the Puget Sound plan for approval by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration by the end of the month. NOAA estimates it will require at least 15 months to complete its work on the plan, which includes developing an Environmental Impact Statement, notice in the Federal Register, a biological opinion, and public comment periods.
A recording of the Jan. 17 meeting is available at, and the Jan. 18 meeting is available at
The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is a citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for the department. WDFW is the primary state agency tasked with preserving, protecting, and perpetuating fish and wildlife and ecosystems, while providing sustainable fishing and hunting opportunities.