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News release March 10, 2021
Patrick Kaelber, 509-222-8504
Rachel Blomker, 360-701-3101
YAKIMA – Starting as early as this week, local fire districts in Yakima County will conduct prescribed burns at the Sunnyside Wildlife Area Unit located about one mile north of Mabton. The prescribed burns will take place periodically as weather permits over the next two weeks.
Most of the Sunnyside Wildlife Area Unit is in the Yakima River floodplain. The upcoming prescribed burns will take place in wetland areas to remove overgrown vegetation to improve waterfowl habitat.
The Sunnyside Wildlife Area Unit is one of 15 units that make up the Sunnyside-Snake River Wildlife Area, which is managed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). The wildlife area covers approximately 21,400 acres in Franklin, Benton, and Yakima counties, and is a popular destination for fishing, hunting, and bird watching.
By actively managing lands, restoring habitats, and preserving wild places, WDFW serves as stewards for Washington’s natural places, protecting the state’s land and water for its human and wildlife populations.
WDFW is the state agency tasked with preserving, protecting, and perpetuating fish, wildlife, and ecosystems, while providing sustainable fishing, hunting, and other recreation opportunities.