News release Oct. 7, 2024
Contact: Alex Repp, 509-429-7174
Media contact: Nicole Jordan, 509-906-6837
WINTHROP – The Methow Shooting Range on the Methow Wildlife Area will be temporarily closed from Oct. 15 to 25, 2024, for a lead abatement project conducted by a third-party contractor. This project involves the removal of an estimated three-to-five tons of lead and copper, accumulated over decades from discharge of firearms.
The timing of this closure overlaps with the general rifle hunting season, which runs Oct.12 to 22. Unfortunately, the timing is dependent on contracting constraints. While this may be an inconvenience to some, the end result will improve range useability and public safety for all users.
The abatement process involves excavating soil from the backstop berms and aprons, screening it to remove bullets and metal fragments, and treating the soil. Once the lead has been removed and recycled, the berms and aprons will be reconstructed, and the site cleaned and restored.
This is the first time such an extensive cleanup has been conducted at the Methow Shooting Range, which recreational shooters have used for many decades.
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.
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