Time to report summer crab catch with sport crabbing closing in much of Puget Sound


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News release Aug. 30, 2024

Don Velasquez, 425-725-3038
Media contact: Mark Yuasa, 360-902-2262

OLYMPIA – Most areas of Puget Sound will close to recreational crab fishing after Sept. 2, which means it’s time to submit your summer Puget Sound Dungeness crab catch record cards (CRC).

The only two areas still open for recreational crabbing after Labor Day are Marine Area 7 South (San Juan Islands/Bellingham) and Marine Area 7 North (Gulf of Georgia). Both areas are open to crabbing Thursdays to Mondays only through Sept. 30. All crab caught after Sept. 2 must be recorded on winter catch record cards.

Meanwhile, anyone licensed to fish for Dungeness crab in Puget Sound has through Oct. 1 to submit their summer catch report to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) for crab harvested from July through Labor Day weekend.

“Remember, even if you didn’t attempt crabbing or harvest any Dungeness crab from Puget Sound this summer, reporting your catch is required and important to identify and manage future opportunities,” said Don Velasquez, WDFW crustacean biologist. “When fewer people report their catch, WDFW must devote more resources to sample the non-reporters and estimate how many were harvested by that group. When more people report their catch, resources can be used elsewhere and confidence in the estimated harvest improves.”

Summer catch record cards can be submitted by mail to WDFW at CRC Unit, P.O. Box 43142, Olympia, WA 98504-3142. Crabbers can also report their summer catch through WDFW’s online licensing system between Sept. 3 and Oct. 1. Crabbers who fail to file their catch reports on time face a $10 fine when purchasing a 2025 Puget Sound crab endorsement. 

Winter CRCs are available through WDFW’s online licensing system and at hundreds of fishing license dealers around the state. The CRCs are free for anyone who already holds a current Puget Sound crab endorsement.

Velasquez said WDFW will announce winter crab seasons for Puget Sound this fall, after completing its assessment of the summer fishery.

Recreational crabbers can test their skills at identifying different types of crab in Puget Sound and their understanding of regulations and best practices by taking the Puget Sound crabber knowledge quiz. For more information about recreational crabbing in Puget Sound, visit WDFW’s website.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.

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