News release March 18, 2024
Contact: Commission office, 360-902-2267
OLYMPIA – The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission held committee meetings, approved a land transaction, voted on public petitions and a species status recommendation, and held various fish and wildlife management and policy discussions during a meeting in Olympia March 14-16.
The meeting began Thurs., March 14 with committee meetings. The Big Tent Committee heard a presentation from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) staff and discussed Washington’s results from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. The Committee also edited the Commission’s draft Best Available Science policy and planned to finalize a draft to present to the full Commission for consideration. The Committee postponed a discussion on the Commission’s draft Conservation Policy, as details of tribal consultation on the draft are still being finalized.
Next, the Habitat Committee formally welcomed Chris Conklin as WDFW’s new habitat program director. They then heard an update from WDFW staff about the Growth Management Act and discussed how WDFW works with local governments in land use conservation and policy. The Fish Committee heard a presentation from WDFW staff and discussed shellfish monitoring and management, crab fishery policy, and shrimp fishery policy in Puget Sound. Finally, the Wildlife Committee heard a WDFW presentation about the Department’s cougar management framework, followed by a discussion. The Committee voted to discuss a series of proposed changes to cougar hunting regulations with the full Commission to consider for rule making.
Friday’s agenda began with a report out from Chair Baker about topics from a recent Executive Committee meeting, where paths forward on wolf management and tribal relations were discussed. Next, the Commission held an open public input opportunity followed by the WDFW director’s report.
Later in the morning, the Commission approved WDFW’s purchase of 90 acres at the Violet Prairie Unit of the Scatter Creek Wildlife Area in Thurston County to support conservation of important habitat for several federally listed species and provide opportunity for potential recreation access in the future. This acquisition represents the third and final phase of a larger acquisition effort in the area. Staff also briefed the Commission on a new 10-year management plan for the L.T. Murray Wildlife Area.
On Friday afternoon, the Commission heard briefings and made decisions on three public petitions. First, the Commission voted to deny a petition to change regulations that would ban the use of bait in all rivers and tributaries in the Puget Sound and delay the opening of fishing season until mid-June in Puget Sound rivers. In doing so, the Commission also directed WDFW staff to consider the petitioners’ concerns during ongoing development of the Commission’s Resident Native Trout Harvest Management policy.
The Commission then voted to accept a petition to change the limit for yellow perch on Fish Lake from 25 to unlimited, and delegated rule making for this change to the WDFW Director. Finally, the Commission voted to deny a petition to begin rule making to create Eastside and Westside deer tags. A petition to expand Wildlife Control Operator’s (WCO)’s authority to operate was withdrawn by the petitioner prior to the meeting.
Later in the afternoon, the Commission heard a WDFW staff briefing and public comment about the Department’s recent killer whale periodic status review. The Commission confirmed WDFW staff’s recommendation to maintain killer whale as a Washington endangered species.
Then, the Commission held a science and policy discussion with WDFW staff about cougar rule making. A full Commission decision on rule making recommendations proposed by the Wildlife Committee was postponed. The Commission committed to further reviewing science and policy information provided by WDFW staff and assigned a small group to develop an agenda for a future discussion with WDFW staff. The Commission also expressed interest in having WDFW staff provide recommendations on how to proceed with cougar rule making based on the science presented.
On Sat., March 16, the Commission reconvened the meeting with another open public input opportunity. Then, the Commission heard a briefing from WDFW about the gray wolf periodic status review and accepted public comment on the Department’s recommendation to reclassify the gray wolf as a Washington sensitive species. The Commission held a meeting debrief and discussed future meeting planning before adjourning the meeting. An executive session previously scheduled for the end of the week’s agenda was cancelled.
The meeting was recorded and is available on the Commission webpage for the public to watch afterward at their convenience.
The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission is a panel appointed by the governor that sets policy for the WDFW. WDFW works to preserve, protect and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.