WDFW opens pheasant season at Woodland Bottoms this Saturday

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News release Sept. 24, 2020

Sam Montgomery, 360-688-0721

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today that it is re-opening the Woodland Bottoms pheasant hunt site as hunting season begins Saturday, Sept. 26.

“We are very excited to re-open the site after a closure last season,” said Kessina Lee, WDFW’s Southwest Regional Director. “Our private lands biologist has worked with the Department of Natural Resources and several private landowners to enroll them in a Feel Free to Hunt Program to provide 450 acres for pheasant hunts this year.”

The boundary area of the Woodland Bottoms site has changed along the west side at Whalen and Kuhnis roads, so hunters should refer to the new boundary before heading out to hunt. A map is available on WDFW’s private lands website.

To ensure the success of this program and the enrollment of this site in future years, the department asks hunters to not trespass on adjacent properties not enrolled in the program.

This Feel Free to Hunt site is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and hunters can only use non-toxic shot. The department also reminds hunters that there are designated safety zones that they must avoid and to obey all posted signs.

“We know our pheasant hunters will be glad to see this opportunity,” added Lee. “I want to remind folks to be respectful of the properties they are hunting on as well as of those surrounding the pheasant hunt area. We’re excited to provide these opportunities and want to keep them open for hunters in our region.”

Visit WDFW’s website for more information on the 2020 Western Washington Pheasant Release Program.

Visit WDFW’s hunting regulations webpage for more information on other hunting regulations and WDFW’s Big Game Hunting pamphlet or Migratory Waterfowl and Upland Game pamphlet.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is the state agency tasked with preserving, protecting and perpetuating fish, wildlife, and ecosystems, while providing sustainable fishing and hunting opportunities.

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