WDFW seeks public comment on development of mobile licensing applications

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News release Sept. 28, 2023

Media contact: Ben Anderson, 360-902-0045

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is collecting public comment on proposed rule changes to allow electronic licensing, e-tagging, and catch reporting using mobile applications (apps).

Currently, the public can buy hunting and fishing licenses by phone, online, or in-person at hundreds of dealer locations around the state, while harvest and catch reporting has been limited to submitting a physical card or reporting online via WDFW’s licensing system.

The new rule changes would allow people to report using authorized mobile apps, which are currently in development. The mobile apps will allow users to store and display their recreational hunting and fishing licenses on their phone, e-tag, as well as report fish, shellfish, and game harvest.

The use of the apps will be optional but are expected to make it easier and more convenient for hunters and anglers to record and report their harvest throughout the year, providing fast, up-to-date harvest data to the Department to inform future recreational opportunities. It will also improve enforcement by providing an alternative option to display licenses.

The public can submit comments on the proposed rules until Oct. 24, 2023; WDFW will also host a public meeting to discuss the rule changes from 1-2:30 p.m. on Oct. 24. See the rule-making webpage to learn how to attend the meeting, and to submit comments online or by email.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect, and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish, wildlife, and recreational and commercial opportunities.

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