WDFW to survey elk herds for monitoring and management


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News release Feb. 28, 2025

Contact: Carrie Kyle, Wildlife Biologist, 509-780-9267
Media Contact: Jennifer Johnson, Communications, 509-864-1973

SPOKANE - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) biologists will conduct elk surveys of the Blue Mountains elk herd via aircraft March 5 through March 16. This will include areas south of Highway 12 from Walla Walla to Clarkston (Game Management Units 154 through 186). 

Data from these surveys will be used to inform Blue Mountains elk herd management. The public may observe a low-flying aircraft while surveys are underway.

“These surveys allow biologists to look at the elk in this area to determine the population size and herd sex and age ratios,” said WDFW District Wildlife Biologist Carrie Kyle. “We will compare this year’s count to population estimates from the last several years to determine general population trends.”

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife works to preserve, protect and perpetuate fish, wildlife and ecosystems while providing sustainable fish and wildlife recreational and commercial opportunities.

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