WDFW to use controlled burns on wildlife areas in Thurston County to restore prairie habitat

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News release Aug. 27, 2021

Darric Lowery, 360-701-5145

OLYMPIA – Starting as soon as Monday, Aug. 30, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will conduct controlled burns to restore prairie habitat on two wildlife area units in Thurston County.

The burns are weather dependent and scheduled for up to five days through mid-October at the Scatter Creek Wildlife Area Unit northeast of Rochester and the West Rocky Prairie Wildlife Area Unit northwest of Tenino. The areas targeted for burning are small, varying in size from one to 10 acres. 

“Portions of the wildlife areas may be closed during the burns, and people may see smoke from the fires for one to two hours after the burns,” said Darric Lowery, WDFW wildlife area manager. “We will be working to minimize smoke impacts to homes and the surrounding community.”

WDFW works cooperatively with Washington Department of Natural Resources, fire districts, and other partners, using professional fire crews experienced with successfully conducting controlled burns on public and private lands in the region.

Lowery said the Department uses prescribed fire to maintain native grassland habitats, also known as prairies, and control invasive weeds before seeding and planting native species. 

Westside prairies are one of the rarest ecosystems in Washington, now reduced to less than 3% of their original area. They support a variety of rare plants and animals, including birds, mammals, and butterflies, some of which are listed as threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act.

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