Commercial scallop regulations

Notice: The pink and spiny scallop fishery is currently closed.

The commercial dive fishery for pink and spiny scallops (Chlamys rubida and Chlamys hastata, respectively) was restarted in 2016. The previous dive fishery took place from 1987-1998. Nearly all of the harvest is currently taken from the San Juan Islands area. Scallops in this fishery are monitored for Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning by the Washington Department of Health, and there are strict requirements for scallops coming out of areas classified as restricted.


The pink and spiny scallop fishery is currently closed.

Harvest quota and landings

Non-Tribal scallop quota shares and preliminary landings for the 2020-21 season:

Preliminary landings (pounds) Remaining quota (pounds)


last update 2/26/2021 

Department of Health information

After WDFW indicates an area is open, commercial harvesters must also check the commercial shellfish growing area’s classification on the Department of Health website. Harvest is allowed in commercial shellfish growing areas classified as Approved. Harvest may occur in areas classified as Conditionally Approved or Restricted only if additional steps with DOH are taken.

Current DOH classifications can be found by using the Commercial Shellfish Map Viewer online. Please contact DOH for questions about classifications and specifics regarding their regulations.