WDFW Fish and Wildlife Commission - Special Wildlife Committee October 13 Meeting Agenda

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife Commission
Special Wildlife Committee Meeting

Thursday, October 13, 2022 
8:00 – 9:30 A.M.
MEETING via Zoom Web Conference

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Agenda Topic:

A. Game Management Plan
Staff will provide the committee with an update of the issues to be addressed and ask for guidance around the outlined strategies to shape the next Game Management Plan.

- Presentation (PDF) (as provided at the September 22-24 Commission meeting)

WHERE: This meeting will take place via Zoom. If you are interested in providing a comment on this agenda, please email commission@dfw.wa.gov by 8 am on the Thursday before the start of the Commission meeting so that Commissioners have time to review them.

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833-548-0276 (Toll Free)