Biweekly report May16-31 2023 - Lands Division

Report sections

Providing Recreation Opportunities

The forest health team is providing firewood cutting opportunities in Colockum Phase 1, Unit 1 area, via permit only. Permittees will be allowed to cut up to five cords per person.

Conserving Natural Landscapes

Range Ecologist Burnham prepared for monitoring the Department of Natural Resources grazing lease in the Teanaway. Burnham prepared maps, photos, and equipment for other grazing sites and met with WDFW staff members and grazing permittees in the Simcoe Mountains Unit.

Prescribed Fire Program Manager Eberlein continued working with the Department of Natural Resources and U.S. Forest Service regarding fire activities, following Legislature intent for better coordination and combined efforts.

Prescribed Fire Program Manager Eberlein participated in the Yakima Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The near complete draft of the plan includes prescribed fire actions for the next eight years.

Prescribed Fire Program Manager Eberlein negotiated to add the Prescribed Burn Program team to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) coordinated emergency dispatch centers in northeast and central Washington. DNR has agreed to provide 24-hour safety support and communications for burning projects. The service will be provided for free for a period of at least one year to evaluate how much WDFW will use the dispatch support. There will be a future agreement after the evaluation.

Colockum Phase 1 thinning is underway. Work is expected to continue until mid-October.

Colockum Phase 1.
Photo by WDFW
Colockum Phase 1.

Scatter Creek thinning to restore oak savannah is complete. While work with Washington DNR to showcase this project via video did not happen, we are seeking other ways to get the word out on this amazing work that supports pollinators, rare prairie ecosystem in the Puget Sound trough, and demonstrates a close partnership with WDFW Cultural Resources team and the Chehalis Tribe.

Scatter Creek before treatment (May 2022)
Photo by WDFW
Scatter Creek before treatment (May 2022).
Scatter Creek after treatment (May 2022)
Photo by WDFW
Scatter Creek after treatment (May 2022).

Conducting Business Operations and Policy

Lands Division is hiring for multiple positions. The prescribe burn team hired two planning positions and one operations position. A range biologist position did not hire in first round but reopened for a second round. There is a forester hire underway. Some weed control crews are hiring and some have hired.