Biweekly report Aug16-31 2024 - Region 5 (Southwest)

Report sections

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Down Trees on Access Areas: Access staff members recently encountered several down trees in Klickitat County. All of the trees that were affected had been standing snags. Fortunately, access staff members only had to clear debris from one site. Along the road to the Stinson Flat Access Site, a dead pine tree fell across the road causing a hazard to vehicles. The tree had to be bucked up with a chainsaw to be removed. Access staff members took great care to only cut what was needed and hosed down the work area to make sure that no loose sparks kindled the dry fuels.

Down tree on Rowland Access area site.
Photo by WDFW
Rowland  Access site. 
dead pine tree fell across the road leading to the Stinson Flat Access Site.
Photo by WDFW
Stinson Access Site. 

Access Improvements: Cowlitz Wildlife Area staff members constructed a new parking area on the west side of the Davis Lake Unit off Temple Road, improving access to almost one hundred acres of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife managed lands. The new parking area provides parking for up to six vehicles. Previously, the public had to park on the shoulder of the county road which created safety issues such as emergency vehicle access.

White pickup truck parked near a paved road next to a field
Photo by WDFW
Cowlitz Wildlife Area parking before. 
Gravel parking area near a field
Photo by WDFW
Cowlitz Wildlife Area after improvements. 

Illegal Dumping: Access staff members found several illegal dumps around the Vancouver Lake and Shillapoo Wildlife Areas. The dumping seemed to be occurring on a daily basis, causing access staff members to make several trips to the local dump. For the week of 8/26 - 8/30, access staff members removed approximately 1,000 pounds of garbage from this area alone. 

Pile of garbage in the forest
Photo by WDFW
Pile of garbage under a tree near a paved road
Photo by WDFW
Illegal dumping found at Van Lake.