Biweekly report Dec16-31 2024 - Region 4 (North Puget Sound)

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Managing Wildlife Populations

Biologist Seitz smiles white sitting in an aircraft wearing a headset.
Photo by WDFW
Biologist Seitz smiles after a full day of snow goose flights are complete.

On December 10, District 14 biologists Seitz and Soltysiak took to the skies to search for and record snow geese flocks. This survey is conducted at least once a year, weather permitting. On this particular day, the weather cooperated and provided biologists a clear view of the ground and the surrounding area. The survey begins in Vancouver, Canada and zig zags its way down the coast until it ends near Duvall. When a snow goose flock is spotted, the aircraft flies near the flock and a series of photos are taken. The goal is to photograph the entire flock so that the images may be stitched together and analyzed for accurate counts. By the end of the day there were 16 flocks observed.