Providing Recreation Opportunities
Hunter Access: Biologist Morris maintained and continued monitoring corn stubble fields enrolled in the Hunt by Reservation system for upland bird and waterfowl hunting seasons. Most bird seasons end in January, and these hunt by reservation sites will close January 26.
Providing Conflict Prevention and Education
Elk Issues: Conflict Specialist Heilhecker responded to several reports of elk damage in GMU 204. Elk are damaging livestock fences and compromising haystacks. She visited with landowners who signed damage prevention cooperative agreements and issued landowner kill permits.
Depredation Permits to Address Deer Damage: Conflict Specialist Heilhecker responded to a deer damage report for an orchard in GMU 209. The owner signed a renewed damage prevention cooperative agreement. Specialist Heilhecker issued permits to the landowner who traditionally gives the permits to youth hunters.
Deer and Elk Concerns: Conflict Specialist Bridges has been working with 30 different landowners in Chelan County to address deer and elk depredation concerns and has issued numerous permits for both species.
Cost Share Fencing Agreements: Conflict Specialist Bridges has been working with 15 landowners over the last several months to finalize the design and layout for cost share fencing agreements. Bridges has been coordinating to getting fencing materials to landowners who are willing to sign a 30-year cooperative fencing agreement with the State of Washington. These agreements will allow for the construction of fences to prevent deer and elk from entering orchards and reduce or eliminate conflict.
Releasing Stuck Deer: Conflict Specialist Bridges and Supervisor Rickel responded to a call of a deer stuck in a fence. Bridges and Rickel responded to find a large four-point buck with its antlers hopelessly tangled in a rope and fencing material. Bridges was able to dart the buck with tranquilizers. Once it was down, the antlers were removed, and the reversal drug was given.
Providing Education and Outreach
Wolf Advisory Group Meeting: Specialist Heilhecker participated in the Wolf Advisory Group meeting where the wolf-livestock interaction protocol was reviewed.
Conducting Business Operations and Policy
Training: Specialist Heilhecker completed mandatory IT security and CJIS trainings.
Seeking Options to Address Elk Issues: Specialist Heilhecker spoke with staff members in the hunter education program regarding the possibility of using master hunters to haze elk. She wanted to offer the opportunity to willing landowners who continue to experience damage after harvesting an elk. Master hunters can haze elk to count towards their volunteer hours.