Biweekly report Jan1-15 2025 - Region 5 (Southwest)

Report sections

Managing Wildlife Populations

Pronghorn antelope abundance survey: Biologist Ott assisted biologists from Region 3 this week to conduct the 2025 biennial pronghorn antelope survey across Klickitat, Yakima, and Benton counties. Pronghorn antelope were extirpated from Washington by the early 20th century. However, between 2011 and 2019, the Yakama Nation reintroduced 198 pronghorns to the Yakama Reservation. Since their reintroduction, the pronghorns have dispersed from the release sites and have shown a small population growth. The surveys are conducted using fixed-wing aircraft, allowing biologists from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the Yakama Nation to gather a minimum population count of pronghorn in south-central Washington. The results of the 2025 survey are anticipated this spring.

Providing Recreation Opportunities

Beginning of 2025: The first two weeks of 2025 have been busy and productive for access area staff members. Staff members have addressed several issues, including anglers trespassing on private property in Wahkiakum County. Staff members talked to the property owner and added several new signs in hopes that the anglers using the Beaver Creek Access Area will follow the proper route to get to the river. Staff members have been working on removing a large blackberry briar patch up at the Mineral Access Area. Staff members are hopeful that removing the blackberries will not only look better but also deter theft and vandalism to the public restrooms and WDFW property. In anticipation of working on a rock project in Wahkiakum County next week, staff members trained on how to safely load and unload a tractor, as well as practice backing up and parking a tractor trailer in tight spaces. This training was very helpful and boosted confidence working with the tractor/trailer. Along their route, access area staff members spotted three juvenile deer in Wahkiakum County, soaking up the sunshine and munching on some grass. Staff members have also been working with the WDFW Enforcement officers in Lewis and Cowlitz counties to ensure there is a unified presence at the access areas.

Mineral Lake Access Area – Before
Photo by WDFW
Mineral Lake Access Area – Before
Mineral Lake Access Area – After
Photo by WDFW
Mineral Lake Access Area – After
Tractor Training Van Lake.
Photo by WDFW
Tractor Training.
Deer in Wahkiakum County.
Photo by WDFW
Deer in Wahkiakum County.