Hoodsport Hatchery Zone: Waters within a 2,000' arc seaward of the yellow marker buoys at the mouth of Finch Creek, Jan. 1-June 30: same rules as Area 12 - ENTIRE AREA; July 1-Dec. 31.
Visitors, please be aware that walking or wading onto private property or tidelands adjacent to the hatchery without permission is considered criminal trespass and will be enforced. Please respect private property (including tidelands) on both sides of the hatchery. Please stay within the state-owned tidelands in front of the hatchery complex. The north and south boundaries are clearly marked by signs and floating buoys for your benefit. Closure of these waters may occur if trespassing continues.
ADA accessible fishing site is located on the southeast side of the hatchery at the mouth of Finch Creek.
Hoodsport Hatchery Closure: All waters between 2 yellow buoys at the mouth of Finch Creek and the hatchery weir (walkway); and all waters within the channel created by Finch Creek on exposed tidelands, and fishing from any part of the Hoodsport Hatchery structure, CLOSED to fishing year-round, except persons with disabilities who permanently use a wheelchair AND who have a designated harvester companion card may fish from the enclosed ADA-accessible site at the Hoodsport Salmon Hatchery provided such persons follow all applicable rules and regulations of the adjoining waters of Marine Area 12.
We encourage ADA anglers to bring a long handled (dip) net due to the platform height at low tide.