WDFW Beach Season Information
Clam, mussel, and oyster seasons OPEN for harvest year-round.
WDFW shellfish seasons indicate the specific times of year when harvesting is permitted. Before heading to the beach, please also check the Department of Health (DOH) information below which is related to health of the shellfish and may be updated daily. To harvest on this beach, it must be both during the WDFW approved season and approved by the DOH.
Harvest profile
Public tidelands at this site are confined to the outside of the spit (i.e., the northern side of the spit). All tidelands on the southern side of the spit and within Amsterdam Bay itself are privately owned and not open to public shellfish harvest. See map below.
Beach map

Disclaimer: Map areas
identify approximate public property boundaries and should not be
considered legal property boundaries. Many of these public beaches
have no upland entrance and must be accessed by boat. Please respect
adjacent private property. This map is provided for informational
purposes only. The accuracy of this map is not guaranteed.