WDFW Beach Season Information
Clam, mussel, and oyster seasons OPEN for harvest May 1 through May 31 only.
WDFW shellfish seasons indicate the specific times of year when harvesting is permitted. Before heading to the beach, please also check the Department of Health (DOH) information below which is related to health of the shellfish and may be updated daily. To harvest on this beach, it must be both during the WDFW approved season and approved by the DOH.
This beach has been enhanced with oysters.
There are some patches of native littleneck clams, Manila clams and eastern softshell clams on the south end of this beach. The best spots are in the mid-high intertidal zone in mixed sand and gravel. Native littlenecks may also be found in low numbers in the sandy substrate at the north end of beach. There are butter clams on this beach in the mid-low intertidal zone, but they are not abundant. There are also horse clams and large Macoma clams in this area. There may be some geoducks on this beach below the -2.0 foot tide level.
There are some planted oysters on the north end of this beach.

To reach Frye Cove County Park from Highway 101 (north or south bound) take the Steamboat Island Road NW exit. The Steamboat Island Road NW exit is about 7 miles north of Olympia and about 13 miles south of Shelton. Go north on Steamboat Island Road NW about 5.8 miles and turn right onto Young Road NW. Proceed about 2 miles, turn left on 61st Avenue NW into Frye Cove County Park. There are signs for the park near the intersection of 61st Avenue NW and Young Road NW.
This a day use park and the access gate may be locked during hours of darkness. There are restrooms, drinking water, picnic tables and shelters, and hiking trails at Frye Cove County Park. Visit the Thurston County Parks Frye Cove County Park website for more information about facilities at this park.
The park was acquired in 1973 by Thurston County and named after George W. Frye who owned the property on the shore north of Flapjack Point. The largest native littleneck ever seen by WDFW intertidal shellfish staff came from this park, measuring 3.9 inches long and weighing close to 3/4 of a pound! The beach is also a site for native Olympia oyster restoration.