Report wolf observations

Wolf observations, including sightings, photos of animals or tracks, and location, can be reported online through the wolf reporting portal. Depredations can be reported by phone at 877-933-9847.

Wolves are currently recolonizing Washington State and it can be difficult to monitor all the areas where wolves may be roaming and setting up new pack territories. It is helpful to biologists that monitor wolves to get reports from people out recreating in the wild places in Washington that come across sign of wolves in new areas.

The map below displays locations where observers have reported wolf sightings or evidence of wolf activity in Washington. You may click on the dots to display details for each report.

Please note these reports are unconfirmed and do not constitute proof of wolf activity in the areas displayed.

In addition to these reports, the department posts dangerous wildlife incident reports, which collect residents’ reports of interactions with several carnivores, including wolves, as required by state law.

Suspected depredations, wolf captures, and injured or dead wolves

To report a possible wolf-caused livestock depredation, a wolf capture, or an injured or dead wolf, call a WDFW office.

For emergency and after hours: Contact your local state patrol office and ask to be connected to a local WDFW wildlife officer.

Depredation reporting hotline: 1-877-933-9847

Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., call the nearest WDFW regional office:

  • Region 1 Spokane 509-892-1001
  • Region 4 Mill Creek 425-775-1311
  • Region 2 Ephrata 509-754-4624
  • Region 5 Ridgefield 360-696-6211
  • Region 3 Yakima 509-575-2740
  • Region 6 Montesano 360-249-4628
  • Olympia Headquarters 360-902-2515

At the scene

After reporting a depredation, while awaiting an agency response, an injured or dead wolf, or a wolf capture, the caller should follow these instructions to protect the scene:

  • Avoid walking in or around the area.
  • Do not touch anything and keep all people and animals from the area to protect evidence.
  • Place a tarp over the carcass.
  • Remove any injured animal from the scene, taking care to avoid disrupting the area.
  • Take photos of the scene if a camera is available.