Update on calf carcasses and legal tribal harvest

Publish date
July 25, 2016

I am writing to update you on three items:

  • On July 21, Department staff investigated a calf carcass in the Profanity Peak wolf pack area. Based on the investigation, the calf was classified as a probable wolf depredation event.

  • On July 23, Department staff investigated a calf carcass in the Profanity Peak wolf pack area. Based on the investigation, the calf was classified as a confirmed wolf depredation event.

  • The total wolf depredation events to date in the Profanity Peak pack area are three probable and three confirmed depredations. More information on wolf-livestock conflicts in 2016 is available on the Department’s website in a “Chronology of events” document on the webpage for each wolf pack, located at http://wdfw.wa.gov/conservation/gray_wolf/packs/. The document will be updated this week with information associated with the depredation events described above.

  • One wolf was legally harvested recently on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Please contact the Spokane Tribe of Indians for more information.

- Donny Martorello, WDFW Wolf Policy Lead

Packs referenced in this update