WDFW to restart Profanity Peak removals after finding dead, injured calves

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I am writing to provide an update on the Profanity Peak pack in northeast Washington.

On August 18, 2016, WDFW ended the action to lethally remove wolves in the Profanity Peak pack. Today, the Department documented three additional wolf depredation events in the area. One, involving an injured calf, was classified as a confirmed wolf depredation. The other two events, each involving a dead calf, were classified as probable wolf depredations.

Since July 8, the Department has documented 11 depredations by wolves; 6 classified as confirmed and 5 as probable.

Today, WDFW Director Jim Unsworth has again authorized the removal of wolves in the Profanity Peak pack. His decision was based on 1) the fact that the criteria in the protocol for lethal removal was met on Aug. 3 when he previously authorized partial pack removal, 2) two wolves were removed on Aug. 5 and 3) depredations have continued with the three recently documented.

With partial pack removal efforts occurring from August 4-18, the Director has now authorized up to full pack removal, with recognition that full pack removal may be extremely challenging given the rugged and heavy timbered landscape in the area.

I will be updating the Chronology of Events document on the Departments website early next week with this recent information.

Per the protocol, the Department will keep you and the public informed about this activity through weekly updates to the WAG and Interested Parties email distribution list. After the removal action is complete, WDFW will make a complete report to you and the public, including information about staff recommendations, details of the removal, and the Director’s determination in approving, denying, or modifying the staff recommendation for lethal removal.

Please contact me at any time if you have questions or concerns.

– Donny Martorello, WDFW Wolf Policy Lead

Packs referenced in this update