Tugs and log tows frequently move through Puget Sounds waters and are quite limited in terms of their ability to maneuver. They can entangle the buoys and lines of crab and shrimp traps set in their path. Crab and shrimp traps which become entangled are dragged away and are removed at the tug's destination or are lost along the route. Traps that are tangled in log tows are costly because they must be replaced or removed/returned to their owners. Traps not recovered will become derelict and may continue to kill crabs if not equipped with the required biodegradable device.
Dunlap Towing has kindly provided information on the primary routes and locations of tug and log barge activity in the northern part of Puget Sound. The primary routes are shown in red on the charts below, although deviations may occur because of tidal and weather conditions. If you have specific questions about this information OR if you want up-to-date tug and log barge activity in your area, please contact Dunlap's Everett Dispatch Number at 425-259-4163.
Log tow routes
Saratoga pass

San Juan Islands