Commercial Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor Gillnet Salmon Fishery

Information, documents, and reported harvest of salmon for the Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor commercial gillnet fishery. For the latest regulatory information on seasons and emergency changes, please check the hotline at 360-902-2500 Option 1. For additional information or questions, please contact Regional office in Montesano at 360-249-4628.

Schedules, regulations, and other information

Fish Friendly Workshop

It is required that all operators complete a Fish Friendly "Best Fishing Practices" workshop to fish the Fall Fishery in Willapa Bay and/or Grays Harbor. See Letter to Interested Parties below.

Each year, WDFW provides a “Fish Friendly: Best Fishing Practices” workshop for new commercial fishers wanting to participate in any Willapa Bay or Grays Harbor commercial salmon fisheries. This workshop details requirements such as proper fish identification, recovery boxes, and limited soak times needed for participation in these fisheries. Upon completion of online training, fishers receive a department-issued “Fish Friendly” certification card. This certification does not expire, however, a valid card must be held by the licensed operator or alternate operator. Under each harbor heading below, you will find WAC 220-354-250 and 220-354-290 that authorize this certification requirement.

Once you have completed and viewed the Coastal Fish Friendly Online Workshop, use the link below to download and complete your Fish Friendly Online Attestation Form. These forms should be electronically sent to either or depending on the fishery you plan to participate.  If you plan to participate in both Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor commercial fisheries, you only need to submit one Attestation form. Once received, our Licensing program will mail you your Fish Friendly Certification Card.

Coastal Fish Friendly "Best Fishing Practices" Workshop (PDF)

Large Whale Entanglement Program


Mass Text System

Regional staff are looking to utilize a mass text system to provide the commercial gillnet fleet in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor notices via text of any in-season changes or adjustments.  The region 6 Shellfish program uses the same system to notify the commercial crab fleet of any updates. 

If interested in participating in this system to receive updates to the commercial fishery in Willapa Bay or Grays Harbor, please email either or and provide your name and cell phone number so you can be included.

Willapa Bay

If you would like to be included in any email updates sent out by the Region 6 staff, please send an email to and let us know you want to be added to our distribution list.

Grays Harbor

If you would like to be included in any email updates sent out by the Region 6 staff, please send an email to and let us know you want to be added to our distribution list.

Gillnet schedule summaries

Willapa Bay fall commercial salmon landings

2024 Willapa Bay Commercial Gillnet Salmon Fishery Landings

This information is preliminary and subject to change.  Unmarked Chinook are required to be released.

DateMgmt WeekAreaChinookCohoChum

Grays Harbor non-treaty commercial gillnet landings

2024 Grays Harbor Non-treaty Commercial Gillnet Salmon Fishery Landings

This information is preliminary and subject to change.

Grays Harbor Area 2C

DateMgmt WeekChinookCohoChum


Grays Harbor Areas 2A and 2D

DateMgmt WeekChinookCohoChum