For more than a century, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife hatcheries have produced fish for harvest. Today, hatcheries provide the foundation for the state's popular recreational fisheries and the many jobs that depend on them. Learn more about WDFW's hatchery facilities and how they help the department manage fish across the state.
Hatchery facilities
WDFW operates dozens of hatcheries around the state, producing millions of fish every year.
Escapement reports
Escapement reports for the last 365 days, as well as annual annual escapement reports for past years.
Mass marking
WDFW visibly marks hatchery-raised salmon so they can be readily distinguished from wild fish in Northwest waters.
Hatchery production, HGMPs, and the ESA
Learn about how hatchery programs operate in regions with Endangered Species Act-listed populations.
Future brood document
Annual preseason hatchery production plans for the upcoming brood year.
Hatchery reform policy review
The department is conducting a review of the Hatchery and Fishery Reform Policy, adopted by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission in 2009.