WDFW collaborates with state and federal partners and tribes to manage fisheries. Find links to helpful resources from WDFW and our fishery management partners.
Federal fishery management
- NOAA fisheries management: learn about different species, review laws and policy, see permits and forms, and review data.
- Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC): Find fishery management plans, see upcoming meetings, and learn more about the council.
Tribal fisheries
- Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC): Learn more about the natural resources management support service organization for 20 treaty Indian tribes in western Washington, created following the 1974 U.S. v. Washington ruling (Boldt Decision).
WDFW Resources
- Salmon Fishing Current blog – WDFW blog that dives into the details of North of Falcon meetings, season updates, and salmon regulations.
- Columbia River Compact – non-treaty fisheries in the shared waters of the Columbia River managed jointly by Washington and Oregon.
- Puget Sound Chinook harvest management plan – As part of an intensified, comprehensive effort to address the decline of ESA-listed Puget Sound Chinook, WDFW and tribal co-managers in Puget Sound completed this 10-year harvest management plan.
- Glossary of NOF terms