April 18, 2014
April 17, 2014
Anglers get one more day to catch spring chinook
on lower Columbia River
Action: Re-opens for chinook and steelhead angling for one-day on the mainstem Columbia River downstream of Bonneville Dam.
Species affected: Spring chinook, steelhead and shad.
Area: The mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to Bonneville Dam.
Restrictions: BANK ANGLING ONLY FROM ROOSTER ROCK UPSTREAM TO BONNEVILLE DAM. Closed to fishing for salmonids and shad from boats between Rooster Rock and Bonneville Dam. The boundary is defined as a north/south line projected from Rooster Rock on the Oregon bank to the Washington bank.
Effective date: Saturday April 19, 2014.
Daily bag limit: Daily salmonid limit is 6 fish (hatchery chinook or hatchery steelhead), of which no more than two may be adults and no more than one may be an adult chinook. Release all wild chinook and wild steelhead. Salmon minimum size: 12 inches.
Reason for action: Harvestable numbers of hatchery salmon remain available based on the forecasts, associated management agreements, and harvest estimates to date.
Information contact: (360) 696-6211. For latest information press *1010.
Anglers get one more day to catch spring chinook
on lower Columbia River
Action: Re-opens for chinook and steelhead angling for one-day on the mainstem Columbia River downstream of Bonneville Dam.
Species affected: Spring chinook, steelhead and shad.
Area: The mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to Bonneville Dam.
Restrictions: BANK ANGLING ONLY FROM ROOSTER ROCK UPSTREAM TO BONNEVILLE DAM. Closed to fishing for salmonids and shad from boats between Rooster Rock and Bonneville Dam. The boundary is defined as a north/south line projected from Rooster Rock on the Oregon bank to the Washington bank.
Effective date: Saturday April 19, 2014.
Daily bag limit: Daily salmonid limit is 6 fish (hatchery chinook or hatchery steelhead), of which no more than two may be adults and no more than one may be an adult chinook. Release all wild chinook and wild steelhead. Salmon minimum size: 12 inches.
Reason for action: Harvestable numbers of hatchery salmon remain available based on the forecasts, associated management agreements, and harvest estimates to date.
Information contact: (360) 696-6211. For latest information press *1010.