September 18, 2019
Action: Reduces the adult salmon daily limit to one.
Effective dates and locations:
Sept. 20 through Oct. 31, 2019: from Hwy. 395 Bridge (Pasco/Kennewick) to the Old Hanford townsite powerline crossing.
Sept. 20 through Oct. 15, 2019: from the Old Hanford townsite powerline crossing to Priest Rapids Dam.
Species affected: Fall Chinook and coho.
Reason for action: Fall Chinook salmon are returning to the Hanford Reach well below the forecast and escapement goal. Reduction of the daily limit to one adult salmon will allow the fishery to remain open for a longer duration under the current harvest management guidelines for upriver bright fall Chinook in the Hanford Reach. The upriver bright fall Chinook escapement goal for the Hanford Reach is 31,100 adult chinook.
Additional information: Salmon: min. size 12", daily limit 6, up to 1 adult salmon may be retained. Anglers may not continue to fish for salmon after their adult daily limit has been retained.
Information contact: Paul Hoffarth, District 4 Fish Biologist, 509-545-2284.
Effective dates and locations:
Sept. 20 through Oct. 31, 2019: from Hwy. 395 Bridge (Pasco/Kennewick) to the Old Hanford townsite powerline crossing.
Sept. 20 through Oct. 15, 2019: from the Old Hanford townsite powerline crossing to Priest Rapids Dam.
Species affected: Fall Chinook and coho.
Reason for action: Fall Chinook salmon are returning to the Hanford Reach well below the forecast and escapement goal. Reduction of the daily limit to one adult salmon will allow the fishery to remain open for a longer duration under the current harvest management guidelines for upriver bright fall Chinook in the Hanford Reach. The upriver bright fall Chinook escapement goal for the Hanford Reach is 31,100 adult chinook.
Additional information: Salmon: min. size 12", daily limit 6, up to 1 adult salmon may be retained. Anglers may not continue to fish for salmon after their adult daily limit has been retained.
Information contact: Paul Hoffarth, District 4 Fish Biologist, 509-545-2284.