Columbia River anglers must release adult chinook from Bonneville Dam to Priest Rapids Dam

July 5, 2018

July 5, 2018

Columbia River anglers must release adult chinook
from Bonneville Dam to Priest Rapids Dam

Action: Release adult chinook salmon.

Effective date: Effective July 7, 2018 through July 31 from Bonneville Dam to Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco and July 7, 2018 through Aug. 15 from Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco to Priest Rapids Dam

Species affected: Chinook salmon

Location: Bonneville Dam to Priest Rapids Dam.

Reason for action: This action closes adult chinook retention below Priest Rapids Dam based on an updated run-size of summer chinook passage of 44,000 at Bonneville Dam – 35 percent below the preseason forecast. This reduction in the run-size decreases the allowable catch for each fishery and has already been met in fisheries below Priest Rapids Dam.

Additional information: The following sportfishing seasons are in effect for salmon and steelhead on the mainstem Columbia River.

Megler-Astoria Bridge to Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco: Salmon and steelhead, July 7-July 31: Daily limit 6, up to 2 adult salmon or hatchery steelhead or 1 of each may be retained. Release all salmon other than hatchery jack chinook and sockeye. Salmon minimum size 12 inches.

Hwy. 395 Bridge at Pasco to Priest Rapids Dam: Salmon, July 7-August 15: Daily limit 6, up to 2 adult salmon may be retained. Release all salmon other than hatchery jack chinook and sockeye. Salmon minimum size 12 inches.

Priest Rapids Dam to Wells Dam: Salmon, July 1 until further notice: Daily limit 6, up to 4 adults may be retained. Up to 2 chinook and 2 sockeye may be retained. Release wild adult chinook and coho. Salmon minimum size 12 inches.

Wells Dam to Hwy. 173 at Brewster: Salmon, July 16 until further notice: Daily limit 6, up to 4 adults may be retained. Up to 2 chinook and 2 sockeye may be retained. Release wild adult chinook and coho. Salmon minimum size 12 inches.

Hwy. 173 at Brewster to Chief Joseph Dam: Salmon, July 1 until further notice: Daily limit 6, up to 4 adults may be retained. Up to 2 chinook and 2 sockeye may be retained. Release wild adult chinook and coho. Salmon minimum size 12 inches.

Information contact: Region 3: (509) 575-2740; Region 5: (360) 696-6211; Region 2: (509) 754-4624.

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Check the WDFW Fishing hotline for the latest rule information at 360-902-2500, press 2 for recreational rules. For the Shellfish Rule Change hotline call toll free 866-880-5431.

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