Columbia River spring chinook fishery reopens

May 15, 2007

Action: Reopens Columbia River for spring chinook fishery

Location: The mainstem Columbia River from the Tongue Point/Rocky point line upstream to the I-5 Bridge.

Daily Limit: The daily limit for salmon is 6 fish of which only 2 may be adults. Only adipose fin-clipped salmon may be retained.

Effective Date: May 16 through May 31, 2007.

Species affected: Chinook.

Additional Information: For the mainstem Columbia River salmon and steelhead fishery upstream of the Rocky Point/Tongue Point line effective during through June 15, 2007, it is unlawful when fishing from vessels which are less than 30 feet in length, substantiated by Coast Guard documentation or Marine Board registration, to totally remove from the water any salmon or steelhead required to be released.

Reason for action: The upriver spring Chinook run is tracking very close to the preseason forecast of 78,500 fish to the mouth of the Columbia River. There is additional opportunity for spring Chinook fishing in the mainstem Columbia under the current Endangered Species Act (ESA) guideline. The extended season is expected to allow for harvest of hatchery Chinook while minimizing impacts to ESA listed species.

Information contact: (360) 696-6211. For latest information press *1010

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Check the WDFW Fishing hotline for the latest rule information at 360-902-2500, press 2 for recreational rules. For the Shellfish Rule Change hotline call toll free 866-880-5431.

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