January 6, 2023
Action: Closes all fishing.
Effective dates: January 7, 2023, until further notice.
Species affected: All species
Locations: Nooksack River mainstem from Lummi Indian Reservation boundary to Forks; North Fork from Hwy. 9 Bridge to Nooksack Falls; Middle Fork from mouth to former site of Bellingham diversion dam, South Fork from mouth to Skookum Creek.
Reason for action: Current hatchery steelhead returns to Kendall Hatchery are well short of broodstock needs. Closing all fishing is necessary to increase the odds of meeting program broodstock objectives.
Additional information: WDFW will continue to monitor the return and evaluate if any hatchery steelhead harvest opportunity can be offered once the broodstock goal is within reach or met.
Information contact: Team Mill Creek: 425-775-1311 or TeamMillCreek@dfw.wa.gov