March 10, 2025
Action: Opens retention of hatchery steelhead.; selective gear rules in effect, except use of barbed hooks is allowed.
Effective date: March 16 through May 23, 2025
Species affected: Hatchery steelhead
Location: From the mouth to the 182nd Avenue Bridge
Hatchery steelhead rules: Daily limit three hatchery steelhead; minimum size 20 inches; Selective gear rules in effect, except use of barbed hooks is allowed.
Reason for action: The Salmon Creek Hatchery steelhead program is replacing early returning winter steelhead stocks with local stocks that exhibit a later run timing as a result of the Mitchell Act Biological Opinion. This rule provides anglers with additional time to harvest these fish from Salmon Creek.
Additional information: Fishery managers encourage anglers to sign up for Fishing Rule Change email notifications and to check for emergency rules on the WDFW website prior to fishing. Refer to the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for fishing rules.
Information contact: Matt Gardner, District Fish Biologist: 360-906-6746