February 13, 2025
Action: Sets April salmon fishing season.
Effective date: April 1-30, 2025
Species affected: Salmon
Location: Marine Area 5.
Salmon Rules:
April 1-13: Closed.
April 14-30: Open daily. Daily limit one hatchery Chinook. Minimum size 22 inches. Release all salmon other than hatchery Chinook.
Reason for action: The total allowable April sublegal Chinook encounters for Marine Area 5 is 2,168. WDFW fishery managers have considered these preseason guidelines along with recommendations from Puget Sound recreational anglers and the Puget Sound Sport Fishing Advisory Group in an effort to extend available quota late into the winter season. Additionally, most moorage docks in the area are not expected to be installed at the beginning of April, creating very limited moorage space for anglers.
Additional Information: Fishery managers encourage anglers to sign up for Fishing Rule Change email notifications and to check for emergency rules on the WDFW website prior to fishing. Refer to the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for fishing rules.
Information contact: Fish Program, 360-902-2700