Northern nearshore area of Marine Area 2 to close Sept. 30 for recreational halibut fishing

September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010

Northern nearshore area of Marine Area 2 to close
Sept. 30 for recreational halibut fishing

Action: Close the northern nearshore area in Marine Area 2 to recreational halibut fishing.

Effective Dates: 11:59 p.m. Sept. 30, 2010.

Species affected: Pacific halibut

Location: Marine Area 2 (northern nearshore area) from the Queets River (47º31.7'N. latitude) south to Point Chehalis (46º58.00'N latitude) and east of a line approximating the 30 fathom depth contour as defined by the following coordinates:

47 º 31.70 N. lat, 124 37.03 W. long
47 º 25.67 N. lat, 124 º 34.79 W. long
47 º 12.82 N. lat, 124 º 29.12 W. long
46 º 58.00 N. lat, 124 º 24.24 W. long

Reason for action: Federal regulations allow the northern nearshore halibut fishery to remain open until the quota is taken or until Sept. 30 whichever occurs first. There is sufficient quota to allow the northern nearshore area to remain open through Sept. 30.

Other information: Daily limit one halibut, no minimum size limit. The possession limit is two daily limits of halibut in any form, except the possession limit aboard the fishing vessel is one daily limit.

Information contacts: Heather Reed, (360) 249-4628 ext. 202

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Check the WDFW Fishing hotline for the latest rule information at 360-902-2500, press 2 for recreational rules. For the Shellfish Rule Change hotline call toll free 866-880-5431.

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