Quillayute and Hoh systems closed to fishing in April

March 14, 2025

Action: Closes all fishing.

Effective dates: April 1-April 30, 2025.

Species affected: All species.

The following areas are closed to all fishing April 1-30, 2025:

  • Bogachiel River (Clallam County) from the mouth to the Olympic National Park boundary.
  • Calawah River, (Clallam County) from the mouth to the forks.
  • Dickey River (Clallam County) from the Olympic National Park boundary upstream including the East and West forks.
  • Hoh River (Jefferson County) from the Olympic National Park boundary near the mouth upstream to the Olympic National Park boundary below the mouth of the South Fork Hoh River.
  • Hoh River, South Fork (Jefferson County) outside of the Olympic National Park boundary.
  • Quillayute River (Clallam County) from the Olympic National Park boundary upstream to the confluence of Sol Duc and Bogachiel rivers.
  • Sol Duc River (Clallam County) from the mouth to the Highway 101 Bridge upstream of the Klahowya campground.

Reason for action: This closure is needed as a conservation measure for protection of wild Steelhead. This closure will provide protection for steelhead during peak spawn timing and downstream kelt migration.

Additional information: The spring Chinook fishery in the Sol Duc and Quillayute rivers is anticipated to open May 1, pending co-manager discussions.

Fishery managers encourage anglers to sign up for Fishing Rule Change email notifications and to check for emergency rules on the WDFW website prior to fishing. Refer to the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for fishing rules.

Information contact:  Fish Program, 360-902-2700.

Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license, appropriate to the fishery. Check the WDFW "Fishing in Washington" rules pamphlet for details on definitions and regulations. Fishing rules are subject to change. Visit wdfw.wa.gov/fishing-hotlines to find a list of mobile, web, print, or customer service phone options for the latest rule information.

Request this information in an alternative format or language at wdfw.wa.gov/accessibility/requests-accommodation, 833-885-1012, TTY (711), or CivilRightsTeam@dfw.wa.gov.